Lawn Maintenance

Lawn Maintenance

Croquet England partner Duncan Hector has prepared some lawn maintenance tips.


It is normal to mow croquet lawns at least twice a week. For flat lawns the optimum cut height is 5mm, on undulating lawns it is often necessary to increase the height to reduce ball wandering. If the mower is not cutting cleanly, it is a sign that the bottom blade (bedknife) should be adjusted to obtain a clean scissor action with the cylinder. Mower settings are explained in the Turfpedia on my website under the Machinery/Mower setting tabs.


If you are using granular fertiliser, apply before rain is expected and let it settle in overnight. It is best to mow “box off” until the fertiliser has dissipated. Apply granular fertilisers before rain is expected, after play, and let it settle in overnight.

New Low Cost Fertiliser £35

For clubs that have a very tight budget, I have introduced a low cost fertiliser This will keep your lawn ticking over but doesn’t have the virtues of my Organic and Thatch Busting products. You will find more details on my website. Weeds: If you have a lot of weeds, you will have to spray with a boom sprayer or knapsack. Use a systemic weedkiller for lawns – NOT a total weedkiller. When the lawn has few weeds you can keep it that way by using a penknife or Weedol hand applicator.

Red Thread, Dollar Spot etc

All fungal diseases can be controlled easily using Soluble Iron. It kills the fungus on the leaf; the sooner you catch it the better.

Dry Patch

This manifests itself as dry areas where the grass is starved of moisture and then dies. The condition is fully explained in the Turfpedia on my website under the Turf Problems/Dry Patch tabs. It is very easy to cure and, once cured, its return can be prevented.

Duncan Hector

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